Project Name: Zanzibar Declaration

Project Leader: Raymond Morel

Participants: SocialIN3 team

Project web:


Among all perturbations, changes, and problems observed during the last decades, the central fact is that we are not anymore in a STATIC, but in a DYNAMIC world. It’s generated numerous disruptions in many domains, including education. For example, for the educational field, there are also other factors like changes in pedagogy, demands from the societies, emergence of new technologies.

That’s why we are proposing a tool in forme of a matrix (grid) which will help decision-makers to conduct throw sustainable development in view of rapid Emerging Technologies in the Digital Age. Please go the the project web for more details.

Project Name: G4

Project Leader: Philip Koenig

Participants: Raymond Morel, Pascal Kotté

Project web:


G4 is a societal civil society movement; we impact and act upon 5 axes:
G4 as Global Goals for Greater Good:
1 Actualized sciences and technology of 21st century are underutilised levers and accelerators for the SDGs and corresponding complex societal intertwined transformations. In particular we need to integrate faster and better embody human sciences, neurocogitivism, epigenetics, STEM, NBIC ( Science Technology Engineering Math; Nano, Bio, Cognitive ) . Furthermore, wisdom of Great Traditions and First Nations can also to be integrated faster into sciences and our schools for all ages, in order for each of us and our organizations to become more integral and holistic. This is our belief; it is based on the life experiences of the cofounders of G4. This is also what today’s speakers support: let’s leverage further our updated knowledge & wisdom.
2 In order to become regenerative by 2030 via the Agenda 2030 process, we would need about 7000 city regions to engage effectively into the societal SDGs / NDCs transitions by 2020. To have an effective & efficient diffusion process, we would need many voluntary city regions : about 20 lighthouses representing all continents and different socio-economic realities, and 200 pioneers exemplary city regions, that will pilote, test, validate options before glocal replications for the greater good. G4 uses this foundational scientific principle – See theory of diffusion of innovation. Federal states, the 17 “not at war” countries, and the 5 Small States are well positioned countries to work with Geneva, Switzerland and UNOG on this project.
3 The project architecture and governance required for these voluntary city / regions needs to be codesigned and orchestrated with new mindsets, new approaches, new organisations and cultures in order to seamlessly move between design thinking, development and operational transformation : hire systemic thinkers and actors, use systemic approaches and processes, incl. for governance and systems, and cocreate living labs, as defined by MIT. Engaged city regions are more effective, can reduce costs by 40% , by implementing a. an architecture of Living labs around current public, private and civil society organisations b. populate Living labs with systems thinkers and actors, c. use the latest systemic systems – – and computers, and a systemic governance in the sense of global goal number 17. The cofounders of G4 have experienced the emerging power of these systemic dimensions, and support the build up of systemic capacity and capability
G4 as Greater Geneva for Global Goals
4 The international Greater Geneva ecosystem is unique and should join forces, work as one, be exemplary to support the acceleration of the global opportunities for the global goals: i.e. to find, engage and monitor the core team city regions, foster world wide best practices, share 21st century sciences & technology progress, embody wisdom of first nations, via UNOG, WEF, WBCSD, CERN, ICRC, …
5 The local Greater Geneva societal players, should be such a lighthouse for Switzerland and the world, for all the international delegations passing thru Geneva and UNOG; it should work hand in hand with the international Greater Geneva and should involve and engage all local players

Project Name: Gazette SISR

Project Leader: Raymond Morel

Participants: Pascal Kotté

Project web:

In Memoriam Philip Koenig: in Memoriam


Les membres de la SISR sont invités à nous envoyer des articles, des comptes-rendus de travaux de recherche, des nouvelles de leur activités, des demandes d’aides ou de participation à des événements ou rencontres.

Project Name: Magnifico Reader

Project Leader: Konstantin Startchev

Participants: Raymond Morel,  Jahann Sievering, Gilbert Duvanel 

Project web:


We are developing a mobile application to helps with the choice of food and drink by improving the readability of the food additives on the labels. The app works autonomously on a mobile device (not connected app) and thus protects the user privacy.


Principal benefits to the user:

  1. Easy reading of the labels (magnification glass).
  2. Automatic detection of additives (E-codes and synonyms) .
  3. Merge content and additional notions (augmented reality).
  4. Access to database with detailed description of additives.
  5. Totaly free app, no charge, no advertisement, no marketing of  user data.


Project Name: Kidimake

Project Leader: Ino Simitsek

Participants: Raymond Morel

Project web:


Kidimake  est né en janvier 2014 d’une passion, celle de développer aux moyens d’activités autour du numérique, la culture du faire, du faire ensemble, du faire aujourd’hui. Destiné aux enfants dès 6 ans mais aussi à leurs parents, Kidimake conçoit et propose des ateliers dans le but de développer leurs capacités de penseurs créatifs.

Les activités de Kidimake se sont déclinées sous la forme de Goûters Numériques et d’évènements ponctuels de plus grande envergure sur des thèmes variés comme le codage, l’impression 3D, la robotique et l’électronique. Une vidéo réalisée par Aurélie COULON, pour Le Temps, donne un aperçu de notre travail.

Notre valeur ajoutée consiste à ne pas proposer un simple contenu technologique mais à créer de véritables scénarios pédagogiques afin d’inculquer un état d’esprit. Ils cultivent la créativité, la capacité à coopérer, l’empathie et offrent l’occasion de prendre une posture active de chercheur et d’inventeur.